Saturday, March 29, 2008

"How To Take Daily Big Rock Actions To Jumpstart Your Business Into Massive Momentum"

You know exactly what actions you need to do to today & 39; Today on the way to achieving your major, long-term goals?

Do you know, what measures must primarily present today & 39; today a success?

If not, do not worry right now. At the end of this article, you have the tools and techniques you need to become a YES to both these questions.

By the way, most entrepreneurs and owners of small businesses can respond to these two questions. Many of them hop & 39; between the task of the task and work very strongly with their companies, but the results of that & 39; they do not want happen.

You wonder how these people who work so hard, nevertheless, not its long-term objectives. One reason is that the work is not large enough to d & 39; businesses succeed. There are many other factors in play.

Two of the main factors are the following:

1) Al & 39; aid & 39, a daily task list

2) & quot; Big Rock & quot; priorities first

You & 39; ve probably heard the use & 39 d & 39, a list of daily work, but do you? ? J & 39; had the habit of & 39; things to my writing tasks, from all sides - sometimes in my day planner, sometimes in the Post-it notes, sometimes to spare the Sheets of paper notes, By this way, it was easier for me to be away and not too much progress in the direction of my major goals of the individual day.

What J & 39; have found that works well for me , holding my daily planning system as simple as possible. This, what I do now, c & 39; believe is a piece of paper, as my master task list, and another piece of paper that is my list of daily tasks. And I have two pieces of paper in my pocket, for all times.

Your master task list is a list of all the tasks you want to do for your company. This list grows and grows, as you think of new ideas and planning the implementation of your long-term goals. Of course, when you are done a job that you delete the list of daily tasks list.

Your contains only tasks required for today & 39; today. You need your daily list, once per day, just before & 39; sleep, or to the right, when you wake up in the morning.

But here is the critical part of this list daily. List the most important 3-5 tasks you want to do today & 39; today for the progress of your company. Not all of these, the little things - especially the big ones. Some people call these tasks, the & quot; Big Rock & quot; items.

The term & quot; Big Rocks & quot; comes from the demonstration that the administration of the time Professionals often have a hall. It goes something like this ...

Imagine sitting in the front hall and the chamber see a large vase made of crystal clear, sits on a table. The vase is empty, and some rocks sitting next to him. As you closer to the rocks, one can see that they & 39; can essentially in two different sizes - large and little.

The speakers before the Chamber She says that the vase stands for the amount of time that They each day and the rocks represent & 39; all the tasks that you want. He continued by saying that what most d & 39; companies to do & c 39, is the ease with smaller tasks. And, as he says, most small rocks in the background of vase.

But, when the time comes, d & 39; receive the great tasks it has obviously not part of the day. And, as he says, he begins to large pebbles in a vase, but none of them & 39; can fit.

He then said: & quot; try new, but this time with large stones, the first. & Quot; It empty contents of the vase, and all three major rock po And this time they & 39; register!

Then it makes the small rocks and they are all too well! The small pebbles and rest, in order to distinguish between the large rocks. Although & 39; c is a simple exercise, it has a profound message important for you and your company. And & 39; is on this ...

Focusing big rocks to your first day & 39, is one of the main results of the large, more income and more free time! As you plan your day d & 39; today & 39; today (or tomorrow if this late in the day), make sure your page one, two or three large rocks and l & 39; attack, as early as possible in the course of the day. If you do not do this, at least, the timing of time on your calendar for you to the weather today & 39; bring that today by his success done.

In bookstore and seminars, Og Mandino has often said that one of your & 39; secrets from success, to live every day in a daytight. That means your life focused on what you can within 24 hours, before you at this time. Life Today & 39; today as if c & 39; is everything you have, and focus on the priority of the tasks that you need before the 24-hour of up.

Og Consideration & 39; Daytight subjects refers not reside on & 39; from the mistakes of the past or worry about the future & 39;. Instead, focus on what you can do today & 39; hui, and you will see the results start to flow, for you, because every day passes.

The great Earl Nightingale once said: & ; quot; The success of the People l & 39; habit to do, what not like & 39; Chess-how. They love the results & 39; that they receive what they & 39; n & 39; have not always. & Quot;

Earl is to say that you are often confronted with the problem that & 39; do unenjoyable tasks from time to time. And a lot of time, these tasks are unenjoyable your large rocks of the day. So, instead tergiverser, in the Foreign and & 39;, to do!

Tom Hopkins said a little different: & quot; Every evening, note the six most important things you need to do the next day (for your business). Then, as you schl fst Unterbewu t your work, the best ways for you to meet. Your next day will be much easier. & Quot;

Take a tip from the experts as Og, Earl, and Tom and go to & 39; outside and in practice, today hui & 39;. Take time for your daily task list for the day and transport with you. And if you & 39; one of your Big Rocks, which clearly from the list with a smile!

Matt Zembruski (aka Mr. Momentum " & quot;) is & 39; author of this article and & 39; publisher of the newsletter Massive momentum now. Sign up today & 39; today to receive free audio special report entitled " The 1 reason why Businesses Fail and How to Avoid it! & Quot;. There is also shown, step by step, which will allow you to achieve the results ... Guaranteed. Free subscription if you visit our website, today hui & 39;. ($ 197 value) aaron veronica

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